Saturday, August 31, 2019

Economics Health Care Essay

Many skilled nursing facilities have used a modified functional nursing structure, with a registered nurse leading in care planning and supervision, a licensed vocational nurse giving medication and some treatments, and nursing assistants performing hygienic and activities-of-daily-living tasks. With a new emphasis on rehabilitation of their changing and ever more acutely client population, they have developed new roles for the nursing assistants. One such role is that of the restorative aide. These individuals receive additional supervision and training related to range of motion, transfers, and other activities and may work in team with physical and occupational therapists. In some states, nursing assistants in long-term care or residential facilities receive additional training to administer oral medications under the supervision of a registered nurse, who evaluates the medication regimen and determines whether the medications should be administered as planned. This function is carefully regulated. Conversations with state board of nursing officials in several states reveal that this practice has been quite effective to date and reflects a trend. Some extended facilities that use many nursing assistants have developed the role of team leaded. These experienced, skilled assistants have exhibited additional leadership potential and are able to help the registered nurse train, mentor and evaluate the tasks completed by orientees. Since this group of assistants often exhibits a fair amount of turnover, the creation of this position has also become a means to develop and recognize highly competent, tenured employees (Hansten, 2004). Recent Labor Market Conditions Shifts or changes in the supply and demand for the labor of any occupational or professional group can have a significant impact on both the short-term employment opportunities and long-term career paths of workers over time. A general level, when the supply of new entrants (measured in actual numbers of graduates and numbers of new licenses or registrations) is maintained at moderate levels while labor demand is high, workers who meet the skill requirements of employers can reap substantial benefits. In such labor market situations, unemployment will be low, and workers will be in a strong position to demand higher levels of compensation and benefits of all forms. Conversely, when the demand for labor is reduced, due to economic downturn, system restructuring, or other factors, while the labor pool or supply continues to grow or remain stable, severe problems of unemployment and underemployment can develop. As with any other professional or occupational group, the nursing profession has been affected by significant changes in the supply and demand forces in the labor market. In particular, the nursing profession has been vulnerable to the dramatic shifts in demand for nursing personnel in the recent years (Hiscott, 1998). Nursing Assistants in the Heath Care Team While the job of nursing aide has existed almost since the beginning of the modern hospital, the position is becoming more formalized as a certified part of the health care hierarchy. This formalization is co-emergent with the growth of nursing homes, which already account for the majority of jobs in this rapidly growing field. Currently, nearly 1. 5 million nursing assistants work in the United States, and the Occupational Outlook Handbooks (1980-81) predicts 94,000 annual openings at least through the next decade, almost all of which will be in nursing homes. One trend in this development is the requirements for certification prior to work. In order to do this work, one must first be certified through a state approved training program as a certified nursing assistant (a title now replaces nursing aides). In classified newspaper columns throughout the country, there are advertisements for vocational schools that offer such training. The schools get many applicants, mostly poor women, who are attracted to the relatively good prospects for employment, the caring-oriented duties of the job, and the possibility – however remote – of moving in the ranks of the nursing profession. Unless one is formally trained in nursing (many foreign-trained nurses work as nurses aides), this certification procedure is required (Abel & Nelson, 1990). Long-Term Care There are currently 12 million people living in long-term care facilities in the United States, and the demand for such care is increasing. The $96.2 billion a year nursing home industry, providing long-term care for people who need medical as well as personal assistance, is expanding particularly rapidly, in part because the population is aging and in part because hospitals increasingly are discharging patients before they can care for themselves at home. But the ranks of nurse aides- most of them women, often immigrant or minority women, who typically provide some 80 to 90 percent of the direct care in these facilities – are thinning. More than forty states report critical shortages of nurse aides and other paraprofessional nursing-home workers. One major reason is money. The average starting wage for nurse aides in nursing homes is $6. 70 per hour, yielding an annual income of $14,000 for full-time workers, most often without benefits. The average wage for all nurse aides working in nursing homes is $10. 12, suggesting relatively small increases for seniority. A study of job leavers by the National Network for Career Nursing Assistants found that even those who like their work often leave because they cannot support their families on these wages. Exact rates of staff turnover at nursing homes are difficult to determine because method of calculation differ, but most sources place the annual rate for certified nurse assistants (CNAs) at between 80 and 100 percent. Such high rates of turnover, combined with cost cutting, mean that most nursing homes are understaffed most of the time. A recently released report of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services found that more than 90 percent of the nation’s nursing homes are seriously understaffed. Indeed, the total amount of direct care given per resident per day in nursing homes averages only 3. 2 hours, well below the recommendations of professional organizations. And time studies conducted by the National Network of Career Nursing Assistants show that in an eight-hour shift it is impossible for CNAs to perform their five main responsibilities – bathing, feeding, toileting, dressing and walking patients – for caseload of twenty patients, not an uncommon assignment (Fitzgerald, 2006). Major Factors Influencing Health Care A range of influences, both external and internal, are greatly affecting the future of the profession for both pharmacists and technicians. External influences such as structural change in the health care economy, the growth of managed care, changes in health care financing, telecommunication and automated technologies, and breakthroughs in drug research and biotechnology are only a few of the forces that will undoubtedly shape the environment of pharmacy practice. Research into the molecular basis of disease and its treatment, multiple disease morbidity and chronicity in an aging population, and the critical nature of interdisciplinary health care relationships and collaboration will impose major challenges that will change our sense of purpose as professionals. Another influence on the profession may well be the heightened expectations of an increasingly informed and demanding public. Many of these external influences may be beyond our control. On the other hand, certain factors may have even more influence over our destiny. These factors include internal forces such as competency expectations and assessments, continuous education, training and retraining, the differentiated nature of pharmacy practice and growth of specialization, and the achievement of the mission and vision of pharmaceutical care (Durgin & Hanan, 1999). Economic Influences A wide array of economic and market influences continue to shape the direction and nature of the health care delivery sector. Market – driven Reforms Glacial yet profoundly fundamental changes have been occurring in health care since the mid-1980s. The Executive Summary of Third Report of the Pew Health Professions Commission poignantly describes the fact that, since 1990, the financial, organizational, and legal framework of American health care has been undergoing a transformation to systems of integrated care combining primary, specialty, and hospital services. The failure of the federal government and political system to successfully enact comprehensive health care reform legislation has given way to de fact of market-driven reforms energized by consumer and employer demands for more services and more intense technology. This problem is further compounded by a growing market trend of health care payers (public and private) refusing to pay the true and full economic costs of health care. Cost Containment A continuing focus on cost containment in health care delivery has led to a fiercely competitive marketplace. In some instances, the vision of success through providing care at the lowest possible cost may well be outpacing the quest for quality outcomes in health care. The continued market penetration of managed care and consolidation and integration of health care provider systems may well result in a survival of the fittest scenario in which only those systems that can produce the expected stakeholder results will survive. Public Demand for Health Care Services Heightened public demand for a broader and improved spectrum of health care continues unabatedly as a result of availability of consumer-focused education and the virtually instantaneous world of information access through telecommunications and the personal computer. As more information about health-related issues, breakthroughs in science and technology, and disease treatment advance, public demand spirals upward. Although health care’s future will ultimately be defined by public expectations, it will at the same time mandate the health care providers continually and systematically assess, ensure, and improve the quality and effectiveness of services provided. Hospital Reorganization The 1990s have ushered in a frenetic pace of price-driven competition among hospitals for the business of third-party payers, managed care organizations, and large employers for the services of physicians, and other hospital services. Hospitals must now compete on the basis of providing levels of care and services at predetermined prices. Financial risk continues to be shifted providers of health care as opposed to those that pay for such care. Much of this shift is a result of the growth of managed care and its impact on exposing excess hospital capacity. As a result of such trends, some hospitals that have not planned effectively or failed to recognize impending change have been forced to close. Hospital closures and consolidations are expected to continue into the next century. Unquestionably, the successful evolution of integrated health care will be determined economically. Yet, the health care industry must not lose sight of its mission to satisfy the needs of patients in the process. The interests of cost and profit cannot be allowed to supersede optimal patient outcomes. In the final analysis, demand for health care services will be satisfied at the price its consumers are willing to pay. Nursing assistants in this case, must market themselves to remain a part of such demand structure and ultimately demonstrate their roles in optimizing patient care outcomes and value (Abel & Nelson, 1990; Durgin & Hanan, 1999). The Future For nursing aides, the employment forecast is excellent. Four hundred thousand new jobs for nursing should open up in the next 5 years, according to the US Department of Labor, which ranks nursing aides as the tenth fastest growing occupation requiring a high school diploma or less in the coming decade. Salaries should increase as well. Many of the reasons for this growth are the same as those that are spurring demand for more home care aides and many other types of direct caregivers; our population is growing, it is growing older, and long-term care facilities and programs for the chronically ill are expanding. Specifically, employment opportunities for nursing aides should increase in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities and decrease in general hospitals which, increasingly, are focusing only on the seriously ill who require high-technology medical care (Swanson, 2000).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Synthesis Essay

â€Å"One person's craziness is another person's reality†(Tim Burton). In this quote, Tim Burton is pointing out that people have our own reality. Philosophically, reality is whatever we think or perceive. There is no true or real perspective. Our perspective depends on our morals and beliefs. All our life, we perceive knowledge and information through different forms of language. Hence, our perspective is also limited by the language. Language is one of the unique things that people have. Language puts limits on our thoughts. For example, when someone says dog, we all picture a different dog, therefore we perceive the information differently. Similarly, religious books influence the way of our thinking through the words or language in the book. Those words are ideas of someone else but we get so influenced by those words that we base our morals on it. Words are part of language which fixes an image in our minds. When we say dog, we picture a dog, not a lion or fish, because we are imprisoned by the language that we ourselves created. Those words in the biblical texts are from a perspective of a different person but we believe in his/her words, borrow the idea and we make our own beliefs which is still inspired by someone's perspective. Those beliefs define the world around us. Thus, through language we create our own limited world and imprison ourselves. Likewise, in the excerpt Cosmic Prison from the book The Invisible Prison by Loren Eiseley, the author argues, that human perspective is limited by language, culture and origin. In the Cosmic Prison, the author, Eiseley attempts to point out that perspective is limited and bounded by language. Language limits our thoughts and imagination: â€Å"Language implies boundaries† (Eiseley 31). Whenever we name a thing, we put limits in our imagination. According to Eiseley, man creates an â€Å"unnatural world of his own, which he calls the cultural world and in which he feels at home†(Eiseley 31). We are comfortable with our cultural world that we created ourselves but at the same time we feel imprisoned and long to escape. Eiseley develops an interesting analogy between man in his prison and white blood cells imprisoned within a living body. Both man and white blood cells a self contained and they don't seem to understand the world outside of them. Their perspective is limited by the boundaries of their realm. A cell may not know that it might be living inside another body. They don't see outside of their world. Similarly, people have their own perspective and they might think that the action done by another person is wrong whereas according to that person, his actions are right. People tend not to go outside of their perspective to walk the world through different shoes. We believe and trust our own perspective which is influenced by human knowledge obtained through language. Our perspective might be influence by someone's words or actions like media uses persuasive language and repetition to make us believe in something. For example, media showed most Muslims as terrorists only, thus making us believe that Muslims are terrorists. It changed our perspective on Muslims and limited our knowledge. Therefore, language creates boundaries and restricts our perspective. Furthermore, culture and our values limits our perspective too. In the article

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Human relations case study Essay

1. Chapter 7 distinguished between transformational, charismatic, and transactional leadership theories; which one of these best describes Kevin Plank? Explain and support your answer. Kevin Plank displays more of the transformational leadership theory. In each presentation that Plank presents he refers to passion, vision, and people. He had the passion to start up with a new product and to go up against a giant like Nike. He has the passion to build a great product and continue to make it better. The people, his team, are the backbone of his company. There is a trust between himself and his team members that carries over into the work that is expected to be performed. 2. What is the evidence in the case that job enrichment is a key part of the way work is done at Under Armour? At Under Armour, employees are known as teammates. They have a â€Å"get-it-done† attitude, no matter what obstacles stand in their way. Solutions to any problems are expected to be resolved with full support from the team. Under Armour has made the teammates have certain responsibilities and expectations of the work to be performed. They form natural working groups and they give the teammates more autonomy with the responsibilities that are set forth. 3. Go to the internet and look up â€Å"Good leadership traits†. In your opinion, what traits make a person a good leader? In my opinion, the traits I think of that make a person a good leader are honesty and integrity. No one can respect someone that lies and puts his or her needs first over others. It is important to have good morals and ethics. Another leadership trait that is important is communication. A leader has to know how to communicate with his or her employees. A good leader has good communication style and will recognize the need to be open to change with their style on an as need basis. It is also important to be able to listen  to others to get their insight. A positive attitude is also important. 4. Who is the best leader you know and why? The person that I consider the best leader that I personally know would be my mother. She started out at 16 with me. She has held two jobs in her lifetime and receives a great deal of respect from her supervisors, employees and peers. She worked her way up from dishwasher in the dietary department with no skills and only her GED. Now she is one of the main supervisors for Mercy Rehabilitation services. She has shown that with hard work and determination that someone can advance and move forward. She has always spoken to her employees with respect. She went to school through online courses to receive the necessary degrees to advance. She possess honest and integrity, she has her goals set and the drive and desire to attain those goals. She will work right alongside her employees scrubbing dirt off the ground if need be.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diplomacy - Essay Example Britain, Austria, Hungary, Russia, France, Prussia and the Ottoman Empire were the major players in the Vienna congress whereas U.S, France, Germany, and Britain were the major countries involved in Versailles peace process. Vienna congress was successful in restoring the balance of power in Europe whereas the Versailles treaty failed to achieve that. Both the treaties were aimed at rebuilding of the Europe after a frightening war. One of the major differences between Vienna congress and the Versailles peace process was that Vienna congress was successful in arriving a compromise formula acceptable to both the parties whereas Versailles peace process failed to achieve such a consensus. Germans left with no other option and they succumbed to the pressure exerted by the opposite party. On the other hand, France got a better deal through the Vienna congress and managed to escape with less punishment. The negotiators of Vienna Congress did everything to regain the peace in Europe without sacrificing much of the interests of the France whereas the negotiators of Versailles peace process have done everything to humiliate the Germans. The Versailles peace process was completely a one sided affair. Germans forced to accept the conditions set by the negotiators because of the lack of other options available for them at that time. This treaty was successful in destroying German economy (This treaty has taken away Germanys foreign possessions, along with any private or government property in them), which finally led to the Second World War. Moreover, Germans forced to liquidate much capital immediately in order to pay the war reparations of 33 billion gold marks, an amount which the Allies could increase whenever they saw fit (Valarauko) Vienna treaty has achieved its objectives. It helped Europe from further conflicts. On the other hand, Versailles peace process failed to achieve its objectives. In

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Project Management for Construction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project Management for Construction - Assignment Example 6) The total amount certified for payment to the contractor by the client/employer is 6,750,000 7) The retention percentage is 10% prior to practical completion (for the main contract) 8) The amount received from the client to date is 5,850,000 9) The total amount certified for payment to package contractors is 5,800,000 10) The total value of package contracts let is 7,500,000 11) There are no retentions held against package contractors-however the current amounts certified but outstanding (i.e. unpaid) to them is 300,000 12) The cladding package contractor to whom the contractor owes 100,000 (including in the 300,000 above) has just become insolvent. The cladding is complete but no warranties have yet been received 13) The current certified installment is one month overdue for payment from the client/employer whose shares have halved in value during the last year 14) We have no other contracts with this client/employer 15) There has been exceptionally inclement weather for the last three months 16) The contract is currently expected to be completed three weeks late 17) Liquidated and ascertained damages are set at 30,000 per week 18) Claims by package contractors currently stand at 200,000 19) Counter-claims package contractors currently stand at 75,000 20) There was an accident on site last month in which a package contractor's employee lost a leg. The Health and Safety Executive are currently investigating this accident. 21) In the last month there has been a two week strike by the Professional League of Plumber (PLoP) which affected the Mechanical, Electrical and plumbing package contractor on the site 22) We calculate that the value of uncertified work carried out is 300,000 of which...These factors would relate to profits of the project, company mission and objectives, the financial issues in the company, the contractual obligations, commercial aspects and marketing procedures, and also the raw materials used by the contractor. Recommendations are provided on how the contractor should control its commercial department and what are the points that should be emphasized to report on the financial status of the company. This report is on the examination of the contract No. 205 for construction of offices and yards for Russ Ting metal Stockholders plc. The report will consider the factors that have to be taken into account for determining the current financial and commercial status of the project. In this report I would consider how these factors will affect the financial status of the project. For this all the financial elements are considered in accordance with the following points. 23) The architect's drawing (correctly) showed doors of width 920mm but the

Stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims - Essay Example The present paper discusses the historical development of stereotyping of Arabs and Muslims by the US media and also explores the causes behind such a development. The US media is rife with the "vilest racist" stereotyping of Arabs, with prominent publications such as the Wall Street Journal publishing articles, such as those by Cynthia Ozick, which tend to defile Arab culture and religion (Said 2). Since America came under attack by terrorists, extremely restrictive regulations have been posed on immigrants and travelers from Muslim lands (Paden & Singer 8). The September 11 incident gave rise to mass paranoia against Arabs and the mainstream media fueled this. However, the September 11 terrorist incident is not solely responsible for the negative stereotyping of Arabs. Anti-Muslim sentiments were already widespread in the US prior to the terrorist attacks. According to Shaheen, the Beirut bombing incident of 1983, which killed several Americans at the American Embassy and many US marines, along with the TWA passenger jet-hijacking incident of 1985, followed by the hostage incident in the US embassy in Iran led to Anti-Arab sentiments in Amer ica (4). Arabs were perceived as "dark-complexioned Muslim rogues, flaunting unkempt beards or moustaches" (Shaheen 4). Such stereotyped images ruled the American psyche and were further promoted by motion pictures, television shows and cartoons. According to Geyelin, Journalists tend to think and speak of them collectively, to judge the many by the egregious excess of the few. Scholars write of Arab tribalism and unsettled nomadic instincts. The suggestion is that Arabs are somehow incapable of statecraft or stable nationhood. They dress funny, carry guns (qtd in Shaheen 5). Such stereotyping of Arabs harbored prejudices against them in the American minds, which were rekindled by the terrorist attacks of September 11. The misrepresentation of Muslim

Monday, August 26, 2019

Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Consumer Behavior - Essay Example The study of consumers helps firms and organizations improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how: The psychology of how consumers think, feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products); The psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture, family, signs, media); The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing decisions; Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence decisions and marketing outcome;   How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer; and How marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer. â€Å"One "official" definition of consumer behavior is "The study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secur e, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society"  (Perner 2010). ... group (e.g., friend’s influence what kinds of clothes a person wears) or an organization (people on the job make decisions as to which products the firm should use). Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how they are purchased. Product use is often of great interest to the marketer, because this may influence how a product is best positioned or how we can encourage increased consumption.   The impact of consumer behavior on society is also of relevance. For example, aggressive marketing of high fat foods, or aggressive marketing of easy credit, may have serious repercussions for the national health and economy. Reasons for studying consumer behavior; To stay in business by attracting and retaining customers. To benefit from understanding consumer problems To establish competitive advantage The subject consumer behavior is very interesting. â€Å"Through the application of sociology, psychology and demographics, marketers can beg in to understand why consumers form attitudes and make decisions to purchase. Consumer-behavior studies inform marketers, advertisers and public agencies how product and service selection is influenced by personality, perception, values and beliefs† (Kirchheimer 2011). For marketing, these influences are studied in the context of demographics, which includes ethnicity, age, marital status, size of  family, income,  education  and employment. Perception: Is how information is collected and categorized. Perception is affected by the amount of exposure to a stimulus and by individual interpretation. Personality: Is a weak component of consumer behavior, Personality means a pattern of behavior founded on an individual’s outlook and internal traits. In this use, outlook means point of view and traits

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Current event synopsis 2 page Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current event synopsis 2 page - Term Paper Example Ron Lieber highlights the extent to which customers suffer after their card information falls on rogue hands. The primary effect of debit card fraud is the realization of a sour relationship between providers of financial services and their customers. In light of the article, First American Bank, Bank of America, Taxi operators, and debit card service providers such as MasterCard and Visa face strive to retain their customers after cases of fraud emerge. This is because fraud affects customer trust, loyalty, and general satisfaction with the companies caught up in fraudulent transactions. To ascertain their commitment to customer welfare, banks and businesses are quick to implement strategies that assure customers of their financial safety and security. One of most employed strategy is the practice of zero liability policy. This policy ensures that customers are not liable for transactions that they do not approve. Moreover, banks and other financial providers replace affected debit cards shortly after cases of fraud are reported. Amid diverse and dynamic efforts to minimize the impact of fraud on customer satisfaction, the article maintains that frustration and dissatisfaction are still evident among customers. Debit and credit card users become financially insecure once they fall victim to fraudulent card transactions. Over and above that, reimbursement of funds takes time to go through. Affected customers have to wait for an uncertain period before they can regain access to lost funds. The conclusion drawn by the article’s author holds that debit card fraud results in customer frustration. In particular, Ron Lieber notes First American Bank and the Bank of America as the recent institutions to suffer customer frustration following debit card fraud. This comes shortly after Target, a leading retailer, lost customers’ debit and credit card information to hackers on one of the busiest shopping days in America. Ron Lieber’s

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Leadership Management in Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership Management in Action - Essay Example According to Goffee and Jones (1996), organizational culture is â€Å"glue that holds organizations together† while Gerstener (2002) stated that organizational culture is â€Å"not just one aspect of the game- it is the game†. Organizational culture is important enough for an effective business and so is the case of the hospitality industry. The Hospitality industry is comprised of a list of business whose purpose is to provide product and mainly services to its customers. In such a business where the success of the entire business is based on customer satisfaction an effective and strong organizational culture is crucial. As it is stated above that organization is just like an individual with its own very unique traits and personality, therefore, organizational culture has a key contribution in building a competitive edge over its rivals. Values are the most important components of a strong organizational structure because it is a set of its future goals, philosophies and views that an organization share (Alvesson, 2002).. In a short form, an organization’s mission statement and vision statement are the true examples of its values. Values are the key drivers of an organization and are unique from each other. For a successful organizational culture, it is important to have a clear set of values properly communicated to its employees also include the way that pledges to serve customers treat partners, and maintain proficient standards. For setting up values, an organization must have an understanding of customer needs and to the uniqueness in the quality of services (that are hard to imitable). To ensure effective organizational culture, it is important to have a proper implementation plan to practice the values across the organization. Values of an organization are of less importance unless they are not incorporated in its routine and rituals. For

Friday, August 23, 2019

Delivering a business strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Delivering a business strategy - Case Study Example Employment of staff in an organization plays a major role in the running of the activities. It also dictates the rate of success. TNT puts this fact into consideration by ensuring that they have the best staffs for their various working areas in order to ensure an insight on the service delivery to their customers. TNT’s strategy is quite comprehensive in both ensuring good services and the outstanding difference of offering services. The stakeholder’s model of thinking is the core principle guiding the business plan of TNT. The strategy map depicts an environment of vetting to identify the legitimacy of the different categories of services. In so doing, the plan has been able to outline customer satisfaction as the end of the organization. Consequently, this earns the organization trust from the customers. A business strategy should aim to ensure improved continuity of the business. Customer satisfaction is one important factor that ensures royalty and consequent boosting of business. TNT plan has gone to an extra extend to offer solutions that are beyond the expectations of the customer. It has devised techniques that enable its customers to keep track on their working. It has incorporated technology to achieve this objective. The employment of professionals by the organization also enables it to be a step ahead of the customers’ expectations that earns it market security. Operational success stems on good services and products of an organization. The success of services in the market is highly dependent on innovativeness. This value ensures that there are constant but temporary competitive advantages in the market. This aspect reflects TNTs planning due to the flexibility of their plan. The organization can change its plan when necessary in order to counteract any emerging problem, which in business can be its proper running. TNT income growth is from its services. An effective sale of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Lying Essay Example for Free

Lying Essay Despite the fact that lying is harmful in various ways, at some point in each of our lives we have lied, some may be more than other but we all tell a little lie once in a while. In the article Lying Tim Mazur talks about the possible consequences that one can for lying and also mention various reason what may cause some to lie. Tim Mazur believes people lie to maintain relationships, please others, avoid awardness and punishment. From my perspective I believe there are circumstances where lying can be acceptable under the following circumstances: to maintain peace, in order to gain something beneficial that can become life-changing , to protect the wealth of others, and to please others. (implicate how lying can affect others and possible consequences one can face in the begging) One circumstance under which it is acceptable for someone to tell a lie is a situation in which something beneficial that can become life-changing by virtue of the lie. An opportunity that is life-changing can improve the course of ones day-day existence drastically. And that being said, if ones day to day existence can be improved drastically, then a lie (especially a small one) is well-worth it. For example, the possibility to gain a career through lying could be well-worth it, because it can shape the course of ones present future. If for instance the applicant knows she or he is fully capable of performing a task but has no experience performing it, and the job requires experience or skills that field. She or he might lie about their skills/experience in order to have a better chance at obtaining the job . She or he could then quickly learn the required skills. The confidence that the applicant can bring his or skills up to par has earned she or he a job, and she or he has not hurt either herself or the company at that has now hired him or her. Another circumstance in which it is acceptable for one to tell is when its to please others. Pleasing others is when one says or does something good, to keep that person pleased. For example in todays society almost all parents tell their children that Santa clause is realistic or telling them that the tooth fairy left a dollar under their pillow because they lost their tooth. The parents are doing their kids a favor by telling them a lie that both Santa clause, and, the tooth fairy are real by not ruining there childhood. The parents lie to their kids so their children can some sort of imagination. (explain how it isnt hurting the kids and how everyone benefits etc)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

School Safety Essay Example for Free

School Safety Essay This paper is about an incident that took place involving an over age student making a school unsafe for others. The student was very violent and did not get the proper punishment to go along with his behavior. The success of the discipline administered, and alternate solutions to the problems will be discussed. John Green is an 8th grade student who is 16 years of age. He had been retained three times twice in the eighth grade because of his standardized test scores. Only after being in school for a month, John came back from his counselor bragging that he only had to take the test this time and he did not have to pass to move on to high school. This was a bad decision by the counselor to tell him that so early in the school year because he was a child who consistently caused problems in school. One day in October John’s math teacher was sick and could not make it to school so she had a sub take her place. The substitute was not informed of the behavior problems John causes. John repeatedly refused to do any school work in that class. The substitute approached John and asked him why he was not completing his assignment. John jumped out of his chair and said to the substitute, â€Å"This B must don’t know who I am. † She substitute asked John get back into his seat and to calm down. John became belligerent and said, â€Å"You really do not know who you are @^%$# with. † The substitute at this point became afraid and tried to pull the string to alert the office but John jumped in her way to stop her. One of the boys in the class pulled the string and John got so upset that he and the boy started fighting and John broke the boy’s nose and blood was all over the classroom. When John saw the security guards coming he started throwing chairs and desks at anyone he saw. The security guards were finally able to subdue him and handcuffed John while I took the other boy to the nurse. John was placed on a two day suspension for fighting at school. John was never disciplined for being totally disrespectful to authority and the situation was never brought to the attention of John again. Handcuffing John was seen as a punishment by the principal because she said the security embarrassed John by doing such a thing. The punishment was not seen as successful according to the staff and the substitute involved. John appeared to see his punishment as a joke because he had several offenses after that. John IEP states that he becomes violent when he feels threatened or provoked. To start the school or the teacher should have given the substitute prior warning of John’s behavior to prevent her from going through other situations like this. The teacher who is going to be absent should write a note stating her or his behavior students. John probably should be placed in another teacher’s classroom to prevent other situations from happening like this. Actually, it appears as though this is not the right classroom setting for John. â€Å"The intent of the SS/HS projects described here was to provide a multi-component framework that schools and agencies used to build services that address the specific strengths, needs, and service gaps within their local community,† (Sprague and Nishioka, 2007, para 6). John is violent the school should create an emergency RTI for John to have him placed in an alternative school setting. This will prevent any other kids from getting injured when he become uncontrollable. John social worker decided to mainstream him because he was very proficient in math. This consideration should be revoked because of this incident. John could have hurt many people in that classroom. In summary, John was a kid with special needs but because of his brilliance in math he was being mainstreamed. Counselors should consult with teachers before making decisions in telling students certain things. The administration and teachers at schools must try their best to protect substitutes from students who can be harmful. John is one of many students who get away with harming other students because of their IEP’s or exceptionalities. One downfall is the fact that the principal thought that John was being treated badly after he broke another student’s noise. To prevent other situations like this the teacher who will absent could write a note to the sum explaining certain behavior students or the administration team should warn the sub.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Describing The Assessment Process For Hospital Ward Patient Nursing Essay

Describing The Assessment Process For Hospital Ward Patient Nursing Essay The purpose of this assignment is to describe how a nurse assesses a patient admitted to a hospital ward. It will discuss the history of the patient, any pre-existing medical conditions and the reason they were admitted to the ward. It will also describe the hospital setting, the nursing model used, the risk assessment tools and the information collected from the assessment including the needs identified and what can be and will be done. For the purpose of this assignment the patient, healthcare professionals and the trust must remain anonymous, and will be referred to by pseudonyms. This is in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) code, where it clearly states you must respect peoples right to confidentiality (NMC Code, 2008). The patient receiving assessment and care will be referred to as Mrs Ethel Morris. Mrs Ethel Morris was admitted to an orthopaedic trauma ward within the North West. Orthopaedics is the correcting of deformities to the skeletal joints and bones, which have been caused by damage or disease (McFerran, 2008). The ward consisted of many staff, including, nurses, health care assistants, a house officer, medical consultants and physiotherapists. It had three bays, 2 being female, with 8 beds in each and one ten bedded male bay. Also, there were 4 side rooms for patients that needed to be isolated. This was an acute setting with various Orthopaedic conditions, including fractures of all types. The ward admits patients twenty-four hours a day from Accident and Emergency (AE) and transfers from other hospitals. Many of the patients admitted have pre-existing medical conditions, which have to be taken into account alongside their fractures. Ethel was an 82-year-old lady who had fallen whilst she was out shopping with her daughter. She usually walked with a walking stick to aid her balance, but with a previous history of dementia she had forgotten it. Dementia is a progressive deterioration of the brain, caused by structural and chemical changes within the brain. Symptoms include, memory loss, disorientation and changes in personality (Ouldred, 2007). Ethels friend had called an ambulance immediately after the fall, and she was admitted to the ward through accident and emergency. Ethels fall had resulted in a fracture to the neck of femur in her left leg. Marieb (1998) states that the femur is the strongest and largest bone in the body. It consists of a ball, which is known as the head of the femur, which is carried on the neck of femur to the long bone. The neck is the weakest part of the femur. Elderly people are more at risk of falls as their muscles become weaker they become less flexible. This then interferes with their movement and balance, they become more inactive and this increases the risk of falls. (Skelton et al, 1999) Ethel also has osteoporosis, which may have contributed to her fracture. Liscum (1992) states this is the formation of the bone having decreased. Elderly women suffering from osteoporosis, who subsequently sustain a fractured neck of femur, face a fifty percent chance of not walking again. Ethel appeared confused when she arrived on the ward, not knowing how she had come to be in hospital, apart from being aware of the pain and discomfort she was suffering with her hip. The nursing staff reminded Ethel what had happened and checked her drug kardex immediately for pain relief. The doctor who had seen Ethel in AE had written her up for 5ml of oromorph every three hours to control the pain. As oromorph is a controlled drug the nurse checked the dosage with another registered nurse and give it to Ethel orally. Once Ethel was comfortable, the nurse in charge of the bay began the nursing assessment. An assessment is the collection of information from an individual, to establish their needs and develop a clear prospective of their situation. The nursing process relies upon complete and thorough assessments to be a success. A key nursing skill is observing a patient, using all five senses, from listening to gain information, to touching them, assessing their temperature and the condition of their skin (Brooker and Waugh, 2007) Holland et al (2008) also states that an assessment identifies the priority amongst the problems. Data can be collected in a number of different ways, from observing a patient, communicating with them and through their clinical notes. Collection of information can also be made through a secondary source (a relative), if, for example, the primary source (the patient) was unconscious. A named nurse approach was used on the ward; this provides individualised care for the patient from admission to the point of discharge. Named nursing has been developed from primary nursing and is very closely connected to team nursing. (Dawe, 2008) The ward follows a philosophy of care to meet individual needs. Providing patient centred care, meeting individual needs whilst respecting their privacy, dignity, religious and cultural beliefs. They strive to provide high quality care and aim to maximise the potential of individuals to adapt and cope with their conditions. The wards philosophy reflects the National Service Frameworks (NSFs) quality of care. NSFs are in place to improve care in twelve specific areas, including blood pressure, diabetes and mental health. The standards have been implemented nationally and they have all been set certain time scales. (Department of Health (DOH), 2008) The ward uses most of the NSFs depending on which patient they are dealing with. In Ethels case the main ones being blood pressure and older people, which has eight different standards of its own. The nurse firstly recorded Ethels clinical observations, and her saturations appeared to be very low at only 89%. Oxygen saturations are monitored through an electronic device called a pulse oximeter. This reads the oxygen levels of haemoglobin in the arteries and is updated with each pulse (Jevon, 2000). The nurse immediately put her on four litres of oxygen through a nose cannula. A Nose cannula is two small plastic tubes that are inserted into each nostril to administer oxygen. This allows room air to be breathed in at the same time and is secured by tubing over the ears, which fits onto the oxygen cylinder (Brooker and Waugh, 2007). The nurse carried out Ethels assessment by her bedside with the curtains drawn to respect her privacy. As Ethel had dementia her daughter was present for the assessment, to confirm details and help with the process. Barrett et al (2009) states that nurses who carry out disorganized, incomplete assessments, may fail to notice a major concern, or recognize an underlying problem. Nursing models are used in the assessment process in most care settings. They are in place to establish the information that is required, ways it can be gathered for the best results, and the detail that is likely to be more helpful. (Aggleton and Chalmers, 2000) Roper et al (2000) says that models are used to help organize thinking by creating theory. They are global views that have been summarised into systems. There are many different Nursing Models used in clinical settings from Orems self care model to Hendersons model of nursing. Nursing models are used to provide a distinctive framework, to highlight what the patients needs are (Fawcett, 1989). The nursing model used on this ward was Roper Logan and Tierney, Activities of living model. Roper et al (1996) activities of living consists of twelve activities that ensure survival, these are, maintaining a safe environment, communicating, breathing, eating and drinking, eliminating, personal cleansing and dressing, controlling of body temperature, mobilising, working and playing, expressing sexuality, sleeping and dying. These activities are all as important as each other and one cannot be done without another. The impact of illness will affect more than one of these activities. Roper et al (2000) activities of living was first written in 1980 for nursing practice to be introduced to students. At this time there were five concepts in the model that included activities of living, lifespan and individuality in living. The model became the United Kingdoms most popular model and was also widely used throughout Europe. The nurse used a number of risk assessment tools when assessing Ethel. These were, the malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST), waterlow score, falls risk assessment score for the elderly (FRASE) and the Abbey pain scale. The MUST tool is a nutritional screening tool that recognises over nutrition (obesity) and under nutrition (BAPEN, 2008). The MUST tool was developed so nutritional care would improve in all care settings, by the malnutrition advisory group (MAG) of BAPEN. This tool can be applied to all adult patients, even those who are bed bound (BAPEN, 2008). As a result of the MUST screening tool, Ethel was commenced on a fluid balance chart. This measures the quantity of liquid intake, including Intravenous (IV) fluids and drinks, against the total urine output. Also to be monitored was Ethels food intake, this was to be done on a food chart. This needed updating after every mealtime to show how much was being eaten at different times. The waterlow score is to determine whether a patient is at risk of developing a pressure ulcer (Waterlow, 2005). This tool uses a scoring system, based on patients data. The categories include skin type, age, and continence. (Thompson, 2005) Ethels score was sixteen and she was at high-risk of pressure sores, this was due to her age and mobility. Waterlow (2005) first designed this tool for students use in 1985. It is the most frequent risk assessment tool in the United Kingdom (UK), and is used throughout hospitals, nursing homes and within the community. Pressure ulcers are most common in people with bony surfaces, thin skin and an unhealthy diet. Ethel was found to be a high risk of developing a pressure sore, as she was immobile and had tissue paper skin. The nurse commenced her on a turns chart so she would be rolled or moved every three hours to check and relieve her pressure areas. Also a pressure-relieving mattress was ordered for Ethel, this alternates the body areas under pressure by rotating the air throughout the mattress. (Collins, 2004) The FRASE assessment tool is to assess if a patient is at risk of a fall, taking into account their history and their current state. (Bolton NHS, 2003) Connard developed a fall risk assessment for the elderly in 1996; this was then adapted into a hybrid tool, known as the FRASE tool. It is in similar context to the waterlow score as they both use a points scale to assess the patients level of vulnerability (Kinn and Hood, 2001) The nurse carrying out the assessment began Ethel on a falls care plan, as she was at high-risk from having another fall. A member of staff was to update the care plan each day, noting any unsteadiness or falls. This was going to play a greater part after Ethels operation, as for the time being she was bed bound. The Abbey pain scale was developed in Australia to assess patients pain levels. It was used for individuals who had trouble communicating effectively and who suffered from dementia (Turner-stokes and Higgins, 2007). Abbey (2004) researched and developed the abbey pain scale between 1997 and 2002, and wanted it to be a straightforward and effective tool, used by all health care staff. It consisted of six scales to measure pain including physiological changes to changes in body language. Ethels score was seven and her pain level was acute to chronic during the assessment. The nurse had previously administered 5ml of Oromorph, and because of this the abbey scale was to be updated every hour to monitor the success of the pain relief. During the assessment the nurse collected various information from Ethel, including objective and subjective data. Newson (2008) states that objective data is information collected that can be measured such as temperature and blood pressure. The MUST tool was used to measure Ethels weight, and other observations were recorded, including blood pressure which was 142 systolic and pulse of 84; these were all in satisfactory limits. Any data collected outside the normal range would have been given an early warning score. A doctor and the outreach team need informing if a score totals three or above (Baines and Kanagasundaram, 2008). Also collected was Ethels details that included her, address, date of birth, and her medical history. This can be obtained through medical notes. as original records cannot be tampered with and all records made must be clear and accurate (NMC Code, 2008). Subjective data is information that cannot be measured, for example, information that the patient has given about him or herself, or the nurses insight on the patient (Newson, 2008). The nurse asked Ethel questions to gain this information, if she felt nauseas, or in pain and how she felt about what had happened. Also observed was Ethels behaviour to see if she was agitated or frightened, closed body language showed she was as her arms were wrapped around herself. The nurse also looked at and noted the condition of her skin, nails and hair. Due to Ethels dementia she didnt understand very much of what was going on and didnt know how she had ended up on a hospital ward. Short-term memory is affected alongside some long-term memory loss. This affects the ability to communicate with people and can result in the patient asking the same question repeatedly (LEHR, 2006). The nurse had to keep reassuring Ethel about what had happened, how she ended up on the ward and what her plan was. Communication is a key skill in nursing and it is an essential part in building the patient-nurse relationship. The nurse has to gain lots of information from the patient so it is important to know whether there is a communication barrier, such as a hearing problem or if the patient cannot read or speak the same language. They may need to speak more loudly or slowly so the patient can lip-read (Holland et al 2008). McCabe and Timmins, (2006) states that communication should be focused on the patient, rather than task centred. Listening, empathy and support are essential communication skills in nursing, but the main being to develop a relationship with the patient, and nurses should make time to spend with them. Ethels daughter stayed during the assessment process to help the nurse gain accurate information and communicate effectively with Ethel. The nurse had to speak slowly so she understood, and if she looked confused the nurse would reassure her and repeat the question. This process took a long time but it was necessary so Ethel could gain trust in the nurse. This made her feel more relaxed and comfortable as she could feel the warmth that had developed between them. This assignment has shown how a nurse has an important role in assessing, planning and the implementation of patient care. It has shown that nurses have to obtain data by using a various number of different sources, from assessment tools to observing patients behaviour. The nurse must also use a nursing model to help complete full and accurate assessments of patients and their needs. If there is a communication barrier, nurses must be able to overcome it by using an interpreter or picture cards. The needs identified during the assessment process have to be implemented and care plans introduced. Nurses then have a responsibility to keep regularly updating the care plans by re-assessing the patient on a regular basis.

Gates’ and Wilson’s Theories on African Diaspora Musics Essays -- Musi

Gates’ and Wilson’s Theories on African Diaspora Musics Some scholars theorize that the Middle Passage to the Americas was so traumatic that most African influence was eradicated, and that few traces of Africa exist in African-American music. This â€Å"cultural tabulala [sic] rasa† theory is rightfully rejected by many scholars (Wilson 3). The inflow of African people to the New World was brought on by the existence of slavery, and resulted in the creation of a sort of extension of the African continent in a different hemisphere. In his article â€Å"The Significance of the Relationship Between [sic] Afro-American Music and West African Music,† music scholar Olly Wilson refutes the tabula rasa theory, and provides extensive examples of the ties that continue to exist between the two distant geographical regions. Another prominent scholar who recognizes the integration of African elements in American musics is Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Though his much deeper and more analytical approach to African musics is divergent from Wils on’s, both scholars acknowledge African diaspora musics and examine them in different ways based on different criteria. Cuba is considered one of the places where African music has been most fully preserved. Within this island nation there exist many secular and religious genres of Afro-Cuban music. These genres are associated with the spread of palo monte and santeria—two of the many neo-African syncretic religions in the New World (Den Tandt and Young 251). The idea of syncretism—a mixing of the beliefs or practices of different groups—is very popular in many aspects of analysis of the New World’s Africanization. With respect to religion, the term refers especially to the combining of characteristics of native... ...racteristics of and approaches to African and African-American music. Gates advocates a deep examination of the music—a literary-style analysis exploring layers of meaning within music, intertextualities, and modes of expression. Works Cited Den Tandt, Catherine and Richard A. Young. â€Å"Tradition and transformation in Latin American music.† The Cambridge Companion to Modern Latin American Culture. Ed. John King. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. â€Å"The Signifying Monkey. A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism.† New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Rodriguez, Omar. â€Å"Emancipation: the Caribbean Experience—Afro-Cuban Religion and Syncretism with the Catholic Religion.† Wilson, Olly. â€Å"On the Significance of the Relationship between African and Afro-American Music.† The Black Perspective in Music 2 (1974), 3-22.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Abortion :: essays research papers

Abortion is an extremely complex and highly debated public issue that has consumed much of the American social and political arena in the late twentieth century. People on both sides of the debate present strong arguments that establish valid points. Society clearly states that child abuse and the murder of one’s child is illegal, but does allow abortion. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, the fine line that exists between abortion and murder will be discussed and debated for decades to come. In Judith Thomson’s article, "A Defense of Abortion," she argues that abortion can be morally justified in some instances, but not all cases. Clearly, in her article, Thomson argues, "†¦while I do argue that abortion is not impermissible, I do not argue that is always permissible" (163). Thomson feels that when a woman has been impregnated due to rape, and when a pregnancy threatens the life of a mother, abortion is morally justifiable. In order to help readers understand some of the moral dilemmas raised by abortion, Thomson creates numerous stories that possess many of the same problems. Thomson begins her argument by questioning the validity of the argument proposed by anti-abortion activists. Thomson explains that "most opposition to abortion relies on the premise that the fetus is a human being†¦.from the moment of conception" (153). Thomson thinks this is a premise that is strongly argued for, although she also feels it is argued for "not well" (153). According to Thomson, anti-abortion proponents argue that fetuses are persons, and since all persons have a right to life, fetuses also posses a right to life. Regardless, Thomson argues that one can grant that the fetus is a person from the moment of conception, with a right to life, and still prove that abortion can be morally justified. In order to prove this argument Thomson proposes the example of "the sick violinist." According to this story, Thomson explains, imagine that one morning you wake up and find yourself in bed surgically attached to a famous unconscious violinist. The violinist has a fatal kidney ailment, and your blood type is the only kind that matches that of the violinist. You have been kidnapped by music lovers and surgically attached to the violinist. If you remove yourself from the violinist, he will die, but the good news is that he only requires nine months to recover. Obviously, Thomson is attempting to create a situation that parallels a woman who has unintentionally become pregnant from a situation such as rape.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Macro and Micro Environmental Factors Essay

There are many other products to choose in the soft drink market include Pepsi Co product , the different is those products are cheaper than Gatorade * In order to attract more customers, Gatorade has improved its product quality and spent lots of money on advertising. -Selling products Gatorade mostly is the imported product so most distributor afraid that they can’t sell Gatorade because of Gatorade price * Gatorade has increased the supplier’s commission. -Publics: The customers in the last 1 year with the developing of VN economic has begun to care about their health lately. Many sport center, fitness club, etc†¦ has been opened in the last 15 years. * The big, potential market for energy beverage drink such as Gatorade to grow. As the result, Pepsi has built up many small, convenient store around those places. * Advertising and promoting trough sport events. Gatorade is also focus on McKinsey’s structure include: structure, strategy, and skill, staff, and style, system and share value. + Style: Gatorade is one of the company which have style. It helps Pepsi too adopted to changes so it can reach and fix it quickly. + Strategy: Improve the sport drink market in VN * Improve both product quality and price * Has an production line in VN with cheap resources and good materials but still guarantee the quality. So as to compete, Pepsi has advertised its product a lot and had various surveys to research what their consumer’s needs and produce healthy products are. Macro environment -Political : VN has been the 150th member of WTO so it has attracted many big investors all over the world. The government has supported many enterprises and business investments by changing to the international law, this has led to more active business action which the consumers can approach to the local products and costumers can have more choice within all the global products too. * Pepsi Co considered about importing more Gatorade in each trip to reduce to price and earn more revenue or adding no more product. -Technology: Consumers now mostly pay all the products by credit, master or visa card which allows company to narrow the distance between producer and buyer. > It invests not only in one country but open up many branches all over the world and there must be decision whether to use capital for hiring staff, advertising the product, etc†¦. or not – Economics environment: The average income of a Vietnamese is affected by inflation and economic ciao. So, the number of selling product s are also decrease. Pepsi has made a decision to having more and more promotion, and held lots of social event to refresh the consumer’s comments about the company to set up a good new one. Environment: The environment issue in VN is becoming more and more serious. This problem is can’t be avoid in developing country. It’s the result of industrialize and modernization. To reduce pollution government has set up a law in order to protect the environment. Even though, Vietnamese’s awareness isn’t as high as other country but the law has been enforced a great punishment to those who pollute the environment. * This make Pepsi spent lots of money in buy new green-facilities , and providing the idea of protecting the nvironment to not only their staff but also their customers. Both help to protect the environment and stil l promote Pepsi good fame. Bargaining Power of Supplier: the soft drink market in VN and foreign isn’t the exclusive market. Bargaining Power of Consumers: * Industries facing powerful buyers: Distributors have the power to negotiate with the company on price, product quality, as well as marketing policy. * Industries facing weak buyers : have little impact on the market, Each buyers will buy the products with different purposes. Some bought to sell, others for political purpose . Numbers of require products is too much for the producer to still keeping it product quality. So that, the pressure is heavy too Threat of entry: Gatorade has many competitors. Competition from substitutes: Gatorade should be change product when customer want and need, also price and quality. Competition between firms: Gatorade have many competitor in Vietnam. Gatorade should always pay attention to your competitors.

Friday, August 16, 2019

DHCP and DNS Essay

Assignment 1: DHCP Troubleshooting. Check the workstations using ipconfig /all and find out if the ip range is within the address range you assigned, if it is a different address then the workstation failed to contact the DHCP server and has gone into apipa mode. The Network Interface Card might be assigned an incorrect driver. Another possible cause of the problem is that the patch cable is not plugged into the Network Interface Card, or is not connected to a switch on the other end. However, it could be that the server has run out of IP addresses that it can assign to clients. You can easily tell if this is the problem by comparing the size of the DHCP address scope to the number of devices on your network that request IP addresses from the DHCP server. But since only some of the workstations have got addresses the problem might be the DHCP server. Start off by doing some ping tests to verify that the DHCP server is able to communicate across the network. If the DHCP server is able to communicate with other computers on the network, then I recommend verifying that the DHCP server has an IP address that is compatible with the scope that the server is configured to assign addresses from. The server itself has to be assigned a static address in the same subnet range, such as If this still doesn’t solve the problem make sure that the DHCP server is still authorized by the Active Directory to lease IP addresses. You should also check to verify that the scope is active, and that the necessary services are running on the DHCP server. Exercise 1: DNS scenario. You will need to setup a primary DNS server in the larger branch office. Configure it as a primary forward lookup zone for the domain name of your company. Before you install DNS make sure your computer has a static ip address so it does not get one from the DHCP server. In the small branch setup a second DNS server. Configure it as a secondary forward lookup zone with the same domain name as the primary DNS server.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

“Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.” (Genocide) Essay

Introduction â€Å"In 1994 Rwanda experienced the worst genocide in modern times. The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the Hutus that took place in 1994 in the East African state of Rwanda. It is considered the most organized genocide of the 20th century. Over the course of approximately 100 days (from the assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira on April 6 through mid-July) over 500,000 people were killed, according to a Human Rights Watch estimate. Estimates of the death toll have ranged from 500,000–1,000,000, or as much as 20% of the country’s total population. It was the culmination of longstanding ethnic competition and tensions between the minority Tutsi, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959–62.† (â€Å"Rwandan Genocide†) History between the Hutu and Tutsi people â€Å"In 1990, the Rwandan Patriotic Front, a rebel group composed mostly of Tutsi refugees, invaded northern Rwanda from Uganda in an attempt to defeat the Hutu-led government. They began the Rwandan Civil War, fought between the Hutu regime, with support from Francophone Africa and France, and the Rwandan Patriotic Front, with support from Uganda. This exacerbated ethnic tensions in the country. In response, many Hutu gravitated toward the Hutu Power†(â€Å"Rwandan Genocide†), an ideology propounded by Hutu extremist, with the prompting of state-controlled and independent Rwandan media. â€Å"As an ideology, Hutu Power asserted that the Tutsi intended to enslave the Hutu and must be resisted at all costs. Continuing ethnic strife resulted in the rebels’ displacing large numbers of Hutu in the north, plus periodic localized Hutu killings of Tutsi in the south. International pressure on the Hutu-led government of Juvenal Habyarimana resulted in a cease-fire in 1993. He planned to implement the Arusha Peace Agreement.†(Rwandan Genocide) â€Å"The assassination of Habyarimana in April 1994 set off a violent reaction, during which Hutu groups conducted mass killings of Tutsis (and also pro-peace Hutus, who were portrayed as â€Å"traitors† and â€Å"collaborators†). This genocide had been planned by members of the Hutu power group known as the  Akazu ( Hutu extremist ) , many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government; the genocide was supported and coordinated by the national government as well as by local military and civil officials and mass media. Alongside the military, primary responsibility for the killings themselves rests with two Hutu militias that had been organized for this purpose by political parties: the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, although once the genocide was underway a great number of Hutu civilians took part in the murders. It was the end of the peace agreement. The Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front restarted their offensive, defeating the army and seizing control of the country.†(Rwandan Genocide) Overview of the Rwandan Genocide with International Response â€Å"After the Hutu presidents plane is gunned down on April 6. Hutu gunmen systematically start tracking down and killing moderate Hutu politicians and Tutsi leaders. The deputy to the U.S. ambassador in Rwanda tells Washington that the killings involve not just political murders, but genocide. The U.S. decides to evacuate all Americans. Canadian General Romeo Dallaire, head of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Rwanda, is told by headquarters not to intervene and to avoid armed conflict.† In the next few days, â€Å"evidence mounts of massacres targeting ordinary Tutsis. Front page stories newspaper stories cite reports of â€Å"tens of thousands† dead and â€Å"a pile of corpses six feet high† outside a main hospital. Gen. Dallaire requests a doubling of his force to 5,000. Nearly 3,300 Americans, French, Italians and Belgians are evacuated by troops sent in from their countries. On April 15th Belgium withdraws its troops from the U.N. force after ten Belgian soldiers are slain. Embarrassed to be withdrawing alone, Belgium asks the U.S. to support a full pullout. Secretary of State Christopher agrees and tells Madeleine Albright, America’s U.N. ambassador, to demand complete withdrawal. She is opposed, as are some African nations. She pushes for a compromise: a dramatic cutback that would leave a token force in place. April 16th, The New York Times reports the shooting and hacking to death of some 1000 men, women and children in a church where they sought refuge. Day 12, By this date, Human Rights Watch estimates the number of dead at 100,000 and calls on the U.N. Security Council to use the word â€Å"genocide.†Belgian troops leave Rwanda; Gen. Dallaire is down to a force of 2,100. He will soon lose communication lines to outlying areas and will have only a satellite link to the outside world. By April 25th,Gen. Dallaire is down to 450 ill-equipped troops from developing countries. He works to protect some 25,000 Rwandans who are at places guarded by U.N. forces. He still hopes the Security Council will change its mind and send him forces while there is still time.†(Ghosts of Rwanda) â€Å"On May 1st a Defense Department discussion paper, prepared for a meeting of officials having day-to-day responsibility on the crisis, is filled with cautions about the U.S. becoming committed to taking action. The word genocide is a concern. â€Å"Be careful. Legal at State was worried about this yesterday — Genocide finding could commit [the U.S.] to actually ‘do something.†(Ghosts of Rwanda) â€Å"Bureaucratic paralysis continues. Few African countries offer troops for the mission and the Pentagon and U.N. argue for two weeks over who will pay the costs of the APCs and who will pay for transporting them. It takes a full month before the U.S. begins sending the APCs to Africa. They don’t arrive until July. Seven weeks into the genocide, President Clinton gives speech that restates his policy that humanitarian action anywhere in the world would have to be in America’s national interest:†The end of the superpower standoff lifted the lid from a cauldron of long-simmering hatreds. Now the entire global terrain is bloody with such conflicts, from Rwanda to Georgia. Whether we get involved in any of the world’s ethnic conflicts in the end must depend on the cumulative weight of the American interests at stake.†(Ghosts of Rwanda) â€Å"Eleven weeks into the genocide, with still no sign of a U.N. deployment to Rwanda, the U.N. Security Council authorizes France to unilaterally intervene in southwest Rwanda. French forces create a safe area in territory controlled by the Rwanda Hutu government. But killings of Tutsis continue in the safe area.†(Ghosts of Rwanda) â€Å"By July 17th, Tutsi RPF forces have captured Kigali. The Hutu government flees to Zaire, followed by a tide of refugees. The French end their mission in Rwanda and are replaced by Ethiopian U.N. troops. The RPF sets up an interim government in Kigali. Although disease and more killings claim additional lives in the refugee camps, the genocide is over.†(Ghosts of Rwanda) Day 100 An estimated 800,000 Rwandans have been killed. The Aftermath â€Å"In anticipation of a Tutsi retaliation, approximately 2 million Hutus, participants in the genocide, and the bystanders, fled from Rwanda to Zaire (now called Congo), Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. Thousands of them died in disease epidemics common to the squalor of refugee camps, such as cholera and dysentery. The United States staged the Operation Support Hope airlift from July to September 1994 to stabilize the situation in the camps.†(Rwandan Genocide) â€Å"The presence of 2 million refugees in eastern Zaire helped destabilize the already weak country, whose corrupt president, Mobutu Sese Seko, allowed Hutu extremists among the refugee population to operate with impunity. In October 1996, Mobutu’s continued support of the Hutu militants led to an uprising by the ethnic Tutsi Banyamulenge people in eastern Zaire (supported politically and militarily by Rwanda), which marked the beginning of the First Congo War, and led to a return of more than 600,000 Hutu refugees to Rwanda during the last two weeks of November. This massive repatriation was followed at the end of December by the return of 500,000 more from Tanzania after they were ejected by the Tanzanian government. Various successor organizations to the Hutu militants operated in eastern DR Congo until May 22, 2009.†(Rwandan Genocide) â€Å"Mobutu was overthrown in May 1997, and Zaire’s new leader, Laurent Kabila, renamed the country the Democratic Republic of Congo. Kabila’s relationship with his Rwandan allies quickly turned sour, and in August 1998 Tutsi rebel forces, supported by Rwanda and Uganda, launched another rebellion. This led to the Second Congo War, killing 5 million people from 1998 to 2004. Rwanda today has two public holidays commemorating the incident, with Genocide Memorial Day on April 7 marking the start, and Liberation Day on July 4 marking the end. The week following April 7 is designated an official week of mourning. One global impact of the Rwandan Genocide is that it served as impetus to the creation of the International Criminal Court, so that ad hoc tribunals would not need to be created for future incidents of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.†(Rwandan Genocide) Works Cited 1.) â€Å"Rwandan Genocide.† Wikipedia. N.p., 20 Apr 2013. Web. 4 Sep 2013. . 2.) â€Å"Genocide.† New Oxford American Dictionary. 2008. 3.) â€Å"Ghosts of Rwanda.† Frontine. PBS, Chapel Hill, 04 Apr 2004. Web. 10 Sep 2013. . .

Paying Attention to Foreign Affairs: How Public Opinion Affects Presidential Decision Making Essay

              The foreign policy of United States has been altered since the era of George Washington. Even though Americans pay consideration to counsel of their respected founder, this is not enough because the world is different. Many people who have shaped the American foreign policy currently, admit the fact that membership to the world community makes United States not to ignore the significance of getting along. One of way in which public influence has or can influence foreign policy is through political leadership, this means that those politicians lead the American public to embrace certain issues. Research have shown that most Americans are ill formed and uncertain on foreign affairs because it is thought that leaders generally disregarded mass inclinations when making their foreign policy choices. Another way is through political responsiveness whereby normal politicians set aside their own principles and obediently follows the public opinion (Knecht and Thomas, 2010). Recent research shown that American public both holds foreign policy opinions and cares about foreign affairs that are normal and constant.                For any society that decides to terminate the period of discrimination, it must face the alike ethical dilemma. For instance, if everybody is given the right not to be discriminated against race, there is high probability of helping those victims who undergone past discrimination and the racial inclination is lost. Moreover if those members of the earlier omitted groups are preferred on basis of race then there is denial of right to prevent racial discrimination among other people. In my opinion generating a program is the best idea since it will assist much those victims who had suffered such unethical treatment of racial discrimination in past instead of applying racial preference. This program will fulfil the racial non-discrimination rule because the basis for help would be individual hurt and not racial identity. However, it will only assist a portion of those who are now benefiting from race-based confirmatory act (Higginbotham, 2013).               Due to frequent exhibitions of racial discrimination, it is evident that in some areas of the world and by governmental strategies centered on hatred or racial superiority, for example the apartheid, racial segregation is an ideal issue in any human society. However, the issue of affirmative action was suggested during reconstruction period which led to U.S civil war. When the battle ended, those groups of people who were in the southern region owned nothing and had inadequate skills which could help them to earn a living. The groups appealed for equal rights and wanted opportunity in the public grounds of employment and education to be equal. In various ways, they succeeded and as affirmative action developed, however, it portrayed rise of criticism from whites and men who viewed it as an â€Å"opposite segregation†. The debate over affirmative action has rotated around a collection of highly charged words, which sometimes complicates, instead of enlig htening the discussion. Therefore it is significant to note that affirmative action play as a control where discrimination has been found to exist or approved. Goals serve as one measure of non-discrimination and of the efficiency of affirmation achievement efforts, not as a directive for female employment or minority (Raza et. Al, 1999).               The implications of international economic policy on foreign policymaking has become more difficult in the period of globalization since the number of players that require to be engaged along has increased. Referring from the traditional foreign policy, only few number of governments could deal with each other on moderately number of issues in accordance to the established terms and conditions. Currently, however, that cannot apply for national interests to be considered. There is now, in accumulation to rising number of countries, an innumerable of fresh players which want to be considered as awn domestic addressees as well as the domestic addressees of the countries wants powerful economic units (Burns, 2010). References Burns, R N, Jonathon Price, Jr J. S. Nye, and Brent Scowcroft. The Global Economic Crisis: And Potential Implications for Foreign Policy and National Security. Aspen Institute, The, 2010. Print. Higginbotham, F M. Ghosts of Jim Crow: Ending Racism in Post-Racial America. , 2013. Print. Raza, M A, A J. Anderson, and Harry G. Custred. The Ups and Downs of Affirmative Action Preferences. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1999. Print. Knecht, Thomas. Paying Attention to Foreign Affairs: How Public Opinion Affects Presidential Decision Making. University Park, Pa: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2010. Print. Source document

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Cadbury Is A Leading Global Confectionery Company Marketing Essay

Cadbury Is A Leading Global Confectionery Company Marketing Essay Introduction Cadbury is a leading global confectionery company with an outstanding portfolio of chocolate, gum and candy brands. The company employs around 50,000 people and has direct operations in over 60 countries, selling their products in almost every country around the world. The company creates brands people love, brands like Cadbury, Trident and Halls. The company heritage starts back in 1824 when John Cadbury opened a shop in Birmingham selling cocoa and chocolate. Since then Cadbury have expanded the business throughout the world by a program of organic and acquisition leg growth. On 7 May 2008, the separation of Cadbury confectionery and Americas Beverages business was completed creating Cadbury plc with a vision to be the world’s Biggest and Best confectionery company. Mission Statement â€Å"Cadbury means quality† this is the company promise. The company reputation is built upon quality; the company commitment to continuous improvement will ensure that the company promise is delivered. Cadbury has established itself as a company of fairness and integrity, which always attempts to operate as a socially responsible business. Value Performance Cadbury is passionate about winning. The company competes in a tough but fair way. The company is striving, hardworking and makes the most of the abilities. The company is prepared to take risks and act with speed. Quality Cadbury put quality and safety at the heart of all of the activities such as product, people, partnerships and performance. Respect Cadbury genuinely care for the business and the colleagues which like listen, understand and respond. The company is open, friendly and welcoming. The company embraces new ideas and diverse customs and cultures. Integrity Cadbury always strive to do the right thing. The company does the business with honesty; openness and being straight forward characterize the way. Responsibility Cadbury take accountability for the social, economic and environmenta l impact. In this way the company aims to make the business, partners and communities better for the future. Cadbury Business Principles are the code of conduct of the company and also take account of global and local cultural and legal standards. They confirm the company commitment to the highest standards of ethics and business conduct. The core purpose of the company is creating brands people love. The core purpose captures the spirit of what the company is trying to achieve as a business. Market Share By participant, the market is relatively fragmented, with the five largest confectionery companies accounting for around 40% of the market. There are a large number of companies which participate in the markets only a regional or local basis. Cadbury compete against multinational, regional and national companies. The graph shows that Cadbury is the second highest of the total confectionery in the market share. Halls is the largest brands in candy of Cadbury. Cadbury have number one and number two confectionery market position in 20 of the world’s 50 largest confectionery markets by retail sales value. Financial statement The graph shows the financial situation of Cadbury from 2006 to 2009. As we can see in the graph, the revenue is reached  ¿Ã‚ ¡5975 million is year 2009 which is slightly increase about 5% from year 2008. In operating income, year 2009 is the highest compare to previous year which is  ¿Ã‚ ¡507 million. Last but not least, year 2009 having 9% of the operating margin which is slightly increase from year 2008. As a conclusion, In year 2009, the performance is pretty well compare to the previous year due to there a keep increase since year 2006 to 2009.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

A paper to explain the importance of the Pacing Guide Research

A to explain the importance of the Pacing Guide - Research Paper Example In addition, parents as well as guardians may use the pacing guides to know what their children are pursuing at a certain period of time and these study materials comply with the grade level indicators and State Standards. Moreover, these helpful pacing guides provide both students and teachers with a guideline for assessing instructions. Another importance of a pacing guide is that they help teachers to mark the essential concepts that they should teach and the amount of time they should devote for completion of one topic (Goldsmith, 2010). Pacing guides are also used by teachers to allocate time for assessments and instructions. Some of the pacing guides also provide teachers with assessment calendar as well as enabling them to effectively outline the curriculum to be used to cover all the skills in a certain assessment. Another important feature with pacing guides is allowing professional learning developments in communities of a certain district (Saricks, 2009). Since teachers in a certain district use similar teaching material, they discuss and come up with effective strategies for a certain assessment unity. Goldsmith, J. (2010). Pacing and time allocation at the micro-and meso-level within the class hour: Why pacing is important, how to study it, and what it implies for individual lesson planning. Bellaterra: journal of teaching and learning language and literature, 1(1),

Monday, August 12, 2019

Org behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Org behavior - Assignment Example If organizations need to create a differentiating factor and gain a competitive advantage against its competitors, then organizations need to adopt the broad view. Adoption of this method of conducting CSR activities will aid the organization in exploring opportunities of doing business which can not be uncovered by implementing the narrow view. Businesses do not perform alone; they have to give equal importance to external constituencies such as the society and government. By adopting the broad view organizations realize the importance of its dependence on the society to gain a competitive advantage. Organizations that fail to realize the connection between the business and the society fail to stay longer in business and all their efforts of becoming a socially responsible organization ends up in vain. Today the market is full of homogeneous businesses and marketers are experiencing difficult in differentiating their products from the products of the competitors. Under such circumst ances, the adoption of large scale corporate social responsibility activities can help organizations differentiate themselves from their competitors. Organizations that adopt a functional structure are structured in a way so that the organization is divided into different groups or departments and these departments work together to produce goods and services offered by the organization (Hitt, 2005, p.327). These departments are controlled and monitored by head of the organization even recognized as the Chief operating officer who is responsible for making essential decisions and then he coveys these decisions to the lower level staff to operate the organization. This structure is mostly followed by those organizations that work on one product or have small number of homogenous products. Organizations expand and the number of goods and services they produce even increases. For example: Procter and Gambler produce various

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Teaching Staff and Students Well-being Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Teaching Staff and Students Well-being - Essay Example The independent nature of FE is potentially under threat as institutions are held to similar account as schools. Further to not creating negative situations for staff and students, well-being is increasingly being represented as ensuring conditions for staff or students. Throughout this assignment, it is argued that well-being is a series of balances which is difficult to achieve and must be addressed on an individual basis within a broadly supportive system of management. It is argued that well-being as a philosophy or policy has the potential to be more effective than existing deficit models where issues such as low morale, high workload and excessive stress are viewed simply as problems to be solved or obstacles to be removed. Teaching staff face constant pressures to perform, and it is commonly accepted as a highly stressful job. As part of the debate over pay and conditions, the National Union of Teachers was potentially embarrassed in the media by the finding that the total work hours of teachers was less than an average worker when taken across the year and accounting for holidays (Baker, 2002). This effectively ended the debate over hours (that administration and marking was largely unpaid work), and focussed on more qualitative issues. These issues are related to well-being. For example, research commissioned by the National Union of Teachers found that the intensity of work was such that a teacher's blood pressure only returned to normal levels during the longer holidays (BBC News, 1999). Issues of stress and intensity had come into focus, and so the debate on pay and conditions was much less about the work teachers did and more about the effect that the work has on them. Cooper and Weinberg (2007) introduce their book with an argument which relates to this idea. Assuming that virtually every worker would leave their job if they were financially independent (e.g. won the lottery), Cooper and Weinberg then pose the question of whether one would swap some of that lottery cash for an extra ten years of life. This is the issue of well-being, that stressful employment can be viewed as selling your life away in two ways. Firstly, the time spent at work is so intense that there is no time for social activities or other enjoyment on workdays (and possibly a lot of leisure time is given over to recovery rather than leisure). Secondly, and less directly, the stress of working has a negative impact on one's health and can shorten life expectancy. In a world where everybody has not just won the lottery, this argument is still relevant. Life would equally be shortened and leisure opportunities impinged by a lack of money. As Cooper and Weinber

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Characterisation material physical properties of porous materials Article

Characterisation material physical properties of porous materials - Article Example According to this theory, three different kinds of waves propagate within the porous material. One is the compression wave propagating in the fluid phase, the second is the compression wave travelling in the solid phase, and the third is the shear wave propagating in the solid phase (Pan & Jackson). The Biot model for predicting sound propagation in porous materials is based on five material properties, also called Biot parameters, of the material. These five parameters include the porosity of the material, its airflow resistivity, tortuosity, thermal characteristic length, and viscous characteristic length. The present review discusses the current methods for measuring and predicting these five Biot parameters. 2 Material Physical Properties in Biot Theory This section details the characterization of the material physical properties, i.e. the five Biot parameters, of porous materials. A review of the properties themselves along with the methods for measuring and predicting them is p resented. 2.1 Porosity (?) The porosity of a material is the â€Å"relative fraction, by volume, of the air contained within the material† (Fellah et al. 2003, p. 296). ... Other non-destructive methods have been applied for the estimation of porosity. Beranek (cited in Leclaire et al. 2003) gave a very simple method, in which the porous material is saturated with water and placed in an airtight chamber that is linked to a manometer. This method was based on Boyle’s law and was helpful in estimating the open porosity of the material having surfaces with open-pores. Another method that utilised Beranek’s principle was that by Champoux et al. (cited in Leclaire et al. 2003), which had a very elaborate system involving a micrometer and a differential pressure transducer. Recently, many different methods have been proposed and applied by various investigators to measure the porosity of materials. For instance, the method by Connolly (cited in Yang 2011) uses a thermographic method. In this method, the correlation between porosity and thermal diffusivity is derived by analysing the heat diffused in the sample upon heating with a laser. Other me thods include the use of X-ray computed tomography, microwaves etc to measure porosity. ASTM D6226-05 test standard describes another method that uses a gas pycnometer for measuring porosity (Pan & Jackson 2009). This method uses an apparatus consisting of calibrated expansion and sample chambers. The porous sample is placed in the sample chamber and subjected to a certain predetermined increase in pressure. This method is also based on Boyle’s law and measures the open pore volume of the sample. Another method given by Salissou and Panneton (cited in Pan & Jackson 2009) was based on the experimental determination of the solid phase volume of the material. Four tests for measuring the masses with and without the sample at

Friday, August 9, 2019

Issue in Contemporary Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Issue in Contemporary Management - Essay Example It is difficult for a small organization to effectively manage, control and coordinate between different diverse organizations. Moreover, statutory power given to LOCOG regarding ownership, compensation, and regulation is temporary. In other words, LOCOG has to give up all the infrastructure facilities developed for the London Olympics after the Olympics which will definitely reduce their revenues after the London Olympics. Infrastructure development opportunities are immense as part of conducting London Olympics. Development of infrastructure to world-class level will change the face of London city. LOCOG will receive a share from international Olympics committee’s broadcasting revenue and also from their own marketing efforts. This revenue can be utilized for the economic development and regeneration. Increased employment opportunity is another advantage of conducting Olympics in London. The public will also get an opportunity to know more about different culture which will help to grow the English culture. It is impossible to conduct Olympics without causing some inconvenience to the public. Some of the local businesses needed to be displaced to develop infrastructure for the London Olympics. This displaced business groups may engage in legal battle with LOCOG. Infrastructure development to world class standards is a major challenge. Ensuring value for money and economic benefits to the cost bearing public is another threat to the LOCOG. The public is lavishly extending their support to the Olympics considering a huge return in terms of economic development and infrastructure development. Failure to fulfil the expectations of the public may create problems for LOCOG in future. Stage management and coordination of events are also not an easy task for LOCOG considering its small structure. Propaganda spreading through media is another threat for this event. Many people are spreading the

Real Estate Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Real Estate Investment - Essay Example Lack of infrastructure and basic facilities would lead to downfall in prices of the land and investors will lose faith and retract the investment. This would be huge disaster for any businessman. Therefore before putting a land to sale check the basic amenities and infrastructure and the price of the land accordingly. Italy has become a hotspot for real estate business domestically and internationally. The main reason for this is the presence of strong infrastructure and basic facilities like water and electricity. One of the important factors that have increased the real estate corporate is the high rate of ownership. Real estate has become an alternate investment in Italy. A general definition of valuation of property is to state the actual value of the property both according to the government and private (commercial) sector. But government will valuate only landed property and fertile land. While valuating a property government will not consider the commercial demand that property is possessed with. Italy has many heritage monuments. The heritage monuments may fetch income in the form of tourists visiting these monuments. Government earns income with the developing tourism. The income goes to the government treasury, which is utilized in developing the country's economy. Apart from state owned properties commercial and residential ... Commercial show room owners are ready to pay any amount of money to get a place in the most commercially viable areas. The reasons for the properties producing high income is leasing it out or renting the property for a specified period of time. The value of the commercial and office property keeps growing with the development of the city. With increasing number of tourists visiting the revenue increases. Tourism also plays an important in increasing the price of the land. As population of the country increases the cities start expanding and drag the outskirts into city limits. Since outskirts will be a new place to establish, developers raise the property keeping in mind the space required for offices, commercial establishments, military units and staff quarters for employees to reside. Newly established property prices touch the skies means the prices are always soaring high allowing only rich and effluent people to purchase the property. These properties fair well when they are presented up again for resale. The process of buying a property is regulated in Italy. An offer should be made through selling agent once an investor secures the mortgage for the property. A contract will be framed once both the parties agree on the price. At this juncture investor has to deposit 10-30 percent that is mandatory. The deposit is not returned to the investor if pulls out from the contract. If the vendor pulls out he should pay twice the amount that was agreed upon as the deposit. The preliminary contract contains information on basic issues like sale price, details regarding mortgage and completion date. The both parties, which are a legally binding agreement, sign the reservation and the sale is completed on a specific date